As you know our motto is “Take Heart!” Well, today we need to be able to say those two comforting words to our friends and collogues in the live event industry and you can help!
#RedAlertRESTART: the live events we love may never recover from the pandemic, we need to take action! Take 2 minutes to contact your representatives here, and post a red photo of you at your favorite event on your favorite social media platforms. Make sure you tag any venues, vendors or performers if you know them. If it’s one of our events please tag us! #WeMakeEvents#ExtendPUA
• Live events employ over 12 million people.
• Live events contributes over $1 trillion annually to the US economy.
• 95% of live events have been cancelled due to COVID-19.
• 96% of companies have cut staff and/or wages.
• 77% of people in the live events industry have lost 100% of their income, including 97% of 1099 workers.
Here is one of Chelsea’s favorite pictures on the job and two of our favorite photos by the talented CreeseWorks of another incomparable performance by Count Tutu from one of the last live entertainment events we had the honor of planning and coordinating, the Generations Strong Gala 2019 at the historic Cain’s Ballroom. We are learning how to perform and celebrate in virtual spaces, but as these pictures prove there is nothing like a live events. We miss you all and we can’t wait to rock the house with you again!

Chelsea and Cory